Node cloud10141049104.wd.nm.nop.sogou-op.org and
cloud101417770.wd.nm.ss.nop.sogou-op.org failed too many times, I want to
know if it can be auto offline when failed too many times?

2015-07-06 12:25 GMT+08:00 Tao Li <litao.bupt...@gmail.com>:

> I have a long live spark application running on YARN.
> In some nodes, it try to write to the shuffle path in the shuffle map
> task. But the root path /search/hadoop10/yarn_local/usercache/spark/ was
> deleted, so the task is failed. So every time when running shuffle map task
> on this node, it was always failed due to the root path not existed.
> I want to know if can set the executor max task failed num? If the task
> failed num exceed the threshold, we can let the exectuor offline and offer
> a new executor by driver?
> shuffle path :
> /search/hadoop10/yarn_local/usercache/spark/appcache/application_1434370929997_155180/spark-local-20150703120414-a376/0e/shuffle_20002_720_0.data

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