I'm trying to build Spark from source on Windows 8.1, using a recent Cygwin 
install and JDK 8u45.  From the root of my enlistment, I'm running `build/mvn 
-Pyarn -Phadoop-2.4 -Dhadoop.version=2.4.0 -DskipTests clean package`

The build moves along just fine for a while, until it builds "Spark Project 
Bagel 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT".  At this point it gets stuck in a seemingly endless 
loop, repeating "[INFO] Dependency-reduced POM written at: 
C:\Users\latkin\Source\Repos\spark\bagel\dependency-reduced-pom.xml".  I let 
this go on for maybe 30-45 min before killing the build.  The XML file itself 
appears to have quite a lot of repeated data.

Is this expected, and it will finish eventually? Is there a workaround?  I've 
shared my full build log and pom XML at 


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