I use Spark Streaming where messages read from Kafka topics are stored into
JavaDStream<String> this rdd contains actual data. Now after going through
documentation and other help I have found we traverse JavaDStream using

javaDStreamRdd.foreachRDD(new Function<JavaRDD&lt;String>,Void>() {
    public void call(JavaRDD<String> rdd) {
    //now I want to call mapPartitions on above rdd and generate new
    JavaRDD<MyTable> rdd_records = rdd.mapPartitions(
      new FlatMapFunction<Iterator&lt;String>, MyTable>() {
          public Iterable<MyTable> call(Iterator<String> stringIterator)
throws Exception {
             //create List<MyTable> execute the following in while loop
             String[] fields = line.split(",");
             Record record = create Record from above fields 
             MyTable table = new MyTable();
             return table.append(record);
    return null;

Now my question how does above code work. I want to create JavaRDD<MyTable>
for each RDD of JavaDStream. How do I make sure above code will work fine
with all data and JavaRDD<MyTable> will contain all the data and wont lose
any previous data because of local JavaRDD<MyTable>.

It is like calling lambda function within lambda function. How do I make
sure local variable JavaRDD will point to contain all RDD?

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