I'm trying to compute the Frobenius norm error in approximating an
IndexedRowMatrix A with the product L*R where L and R are Breeze

I've written the following function that computes the squared error over
each partition of rows then sums up to get the total squared error (ignore
the mean argument, it is not used). It works on a smaller dataset that I've
been using to test my code, but fails on the full-sized A with an error
about the java heap being out of size.

A here is an 8mil-by-100K matrix partitioned into 5015 parts, L is
8mil-by-16, and R is 16-by-100K. Together L and R take up way less memory
than I have on each executor (64 Gb), so I don't understand the cause of the

def calcCenteredFrobNormErr(mat: IndexedRowMatrix, lhsTall: BDM[Double],
rhsFat: BDM[Double], mean: BDV[Double] ) : Double = {
    val lhsFactor = mat.rows.context.broadcast(lhsTall)
    val rhsFactor = mat.rows.context.broadcast(rhsFat)

    def partitionDiffFrobNorm2(rowiter : Iterator[IndexedRow], lhsFactor:
Broadcast[BDM[Double]], rhsFactor: Broadcast[BDM[Double]]) :
Iterator[Double] = {

      val lhsTall = lhsFactor.value
      val rhsFat = rhsFactor.value

      val rowlist = rowiter.toList
      val numrows = rowlist.length
      val matSubMat = BDM.zeros[Double](numrows, mat.numCols.toInt)
      val lhsSubMat = BDM.zeros[Double](numrows, lhsTall.cols)

      var currowindex = 0
        (currow: IndexedRow) => {
          currow.vector.foreachActive { case (j, v) =>
matSubMat(currowindex, j) = v }
          lhsSubMat(currowindex, ::) := lhsTall(currow.index.toInt, ::)
          currowindex += 1

      val diffmat = matSubMat - lhsSubMat * rhsFat
      List(sum(diffmat :* diffmat)).iterator

    report("Beginning to compute Frobenius norm", true)
    val res = mat.rows.mapPartitions(rowiter =>
partitionDiffFrobNorm2(rowiter, lhsFactor, rhsFactor)).reduce(_ + _)
    report("Finished computing Frobenius norm", true)

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