Hi everyone

I have tried to  to achieve hierarchical based (index mode) top n creation
using spark query. it taken more time when i execute following query

Select SUM(`adventurepersoncontacts`.`contactid`)  AS
`adventurepersoncontacts_contactid` ,
`adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` AS `adventurepersoncontacts_fullname`
FROM  `default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts
  `F_0`.`fullname_0_0` AS `fullname_0_0`,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY `F_0`.`Measure_0` DESC)  AS `R_N_0`
    `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` AS `fullname_0_0`,
    SUM(adventurepersoncontacts.contactid) AS `Measure_0`
    FROM `default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts
    GROUP BY `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname`
) `T_0` on ((`adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` = `T_0`.`fullname_0_0` )
AND (`T_0`.`R_N_0` <= 5)) GROUP BY `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname

In mentioned query, I have set row index in every group according to the
aggregation type. Row_number calculation according to the aggregation like
Row_Number() Over( order by sum( column name) order by DESC) not directly
supported in spark . So i have using sub query like

  `F_0`.`fullname_0_0` AS `fullname_0_0`,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY `F_0`.`Measure_0` DESC)  AS `R_N_0`
    `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` AS `fullname_0_0`,
    SUM(adventurepersoncontacts.contactid) AS `Measure_0`
    FROM `default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts
    GROUP BY `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname`
) `T_0`

The execution time was getting slowed when using following way. In case i
removed  main group by( remove  aggregation) method , it getting very fast
Refer following query.  I mentioned this query only for slow execution when
i include main group by

 Select  `adventurepersoncontacts`.`contactid`  AS
`adventurepersoncontacts_contactid` ,
`adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` AS `adventurepersoncontacts_fullname`
FROM  `default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts
  `F_0`.`fullname_0_0` AS `fullname_0_0`,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY `F_0`.`Measure_0` DESC)  AS `R_N_0`
    `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` AS `fullname_0_0`,
    SUM(adventurepersoncontacts.contactid) AS `Measure_0`
    FROM `default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts
    GROUP BY `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname`
) `T_0` on ((`adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` = `T_0`.`fullname_0_0` )
AND (`T_0`.`R_N_0` <= 5))

I have found other way for getting this hierarchical  query.

I have created a temp table ( The table refers  inner sub query(refer
previous query) )

 "CREATE external table IF NOT EXISTS  temp_table  AS SELECT
SUM(adventurepersoncontacts.contactid) as contactid,
adventurepersoncontacts.fullname as fullname FROM
`default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts GROUP BY

"SELECT  SUM(`adventurepersoncontacts`.`contactid`) AS
`adventurepersoncontacts_contactid` ,`adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname`
AS `adventurepersoncontacts_fullname` FROM
`default`.`adventurepersoncontacts` AS adventurepersoncontacts JOIN (SELECT
`fullname` AS `fullname_0_0`,ROW_NUMBER() over( order by `contactid` desc)
AS `R_N_0` FROM default.temp_table) `T_0` on
((`adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname` = `T_0`.`fullname_0_0` ) AND
(`T_0`.`R_N_0` <= 2)) GROUP BY `adventurepersoncontacts`.`fullname`";

This is other way. But this execution time was delayed when using create
table using select statement

Please help any other  optimized way to achieve my requirement.


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