You don't have to use some other package in order to get access to the

Shushant, have you read the available documentation at

or watched

The kafka partition number is the same as the spark partition number.  The
messages for a given partition are in offset order without gaps, so you can
use the offset range to determine the offset for a given message.  Or you
can use the messageHandler argument to KafkaUtils.createDirectStream to get
access to all of the MessageAndMetadata, including partition and offset, on
a per-message basis.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:48 AM, Shushant Arora <>

> Hi
> I am processing kafka messages using spark streaming 1.3.
> I am using mapPartitions function to process kafka message.
>  How can I access offset no of individual message getting being processed.
> JavaPairInputDStream<byte[], byte[]> directKafkaStream
> =KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(..);
> directKafkaStream.mapPartitions(new
> FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<byte[],byte[]>>, String>() {
> public Iterable<String> call(Iterator<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>> t)
> throws Exception {
> while(t.hasNext()){
> Tuple2<byte[], byte[]> tuple =;
> byte[] key = tuple._1();
> byte[] msg = tuple._2();
>  ///how to get kafka partition no and offset of this message
>  }
> }
> });

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