This question was answered with sample code a couple of days ago, please
look back.

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Zoran Jeremic <>

> Hi,
> I discovered what is the problem here. Twitter public stream is limited to
> 1% of overall tweets (, so that's why I can't
> access all the tweets posted with specific hashtag using approach that I
> posted in previous email, so I guess this approach would not work for me.
> The other problem is that filtering has a limit of 400 hashtags (
>, so in order to follow more than 400 hashtags I
> need more parallel streams.
> This brings me back to my previous question ( In
> my application I need to follow more than 400 hashtags, and I need to
> collect each tweet having one of these hashtags. Another complication is
> that users could add new hashtags or remove old hashtags, so I have to
> update stream in the real-time.
> My earlier approach without Apache Spark was to create twitter4j user
> stream with initial filter, and each time new hashtag has to be added, stop
> stream, add new hashtag and run it again. When stream had 400 hashtags, I
> initialize new stream with new credentials. This was really complex, and I
> was hopping that Apache Spark would make it simpler. However, I'm trying
> for a days to find solution, and had no success.
> If I have to use the same approach I used with twitter4j, I have to solve
> 2 problems:
> - how to run multiple twitter streams in the same spark context
> - how to add new hashtags to the existing filter
> I hope that somebody will have some more elegant solution and idea, and
> tell me that I missed something obvious.
> Thanks,
> Zoran
> On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Zoran Jeremic <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've implemented Twitter streaming as in the code given at the bottom of
>> email. It finds some tweets based on the hashtags I'm following. However,
>> it seems that a large amount of tweets is missing. I've tried to post some
>> tweets that I'm following in the application, and none of them was received
>> in application. I also checked some hashtags (e.g. #android) on Twitter
>> using Live and I could see that almost each second something was posted
>> with that hashtag, and my application received only 3-4 posts in one minute.
>> I didn't have this problem in earlier non-spark version of application
>> which used twitter4j to access user stream API. I guess this is some
>> trending stream, but I couldn't find anything that explains which Twitter
>> API is used in Spark Twitter Streaming and how to create stream that will
>> access everything posted on the Twitter.
>> I hope somebody could explain what is the problem and how to solve this.
>> Thanks,
>> Zoran
>>  def initializeStreaming(){
>>>    val config =
>>>    val auth: Option[twitter4j.auth.Authorization] = Some(new
>>> twitter4j.auth.OAuthAuthorization(config))
>>>    val stream:DStream[Status]  = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, auth)
>>>    val filtered_statuses = stream.transform(rdd =>{
>>>     val filtered = rdd.filter(status =>{
>>>     var found = false
>>>         for(tag <- hashTagsList){
>>>           if(status.getText.toLowerCase.contains(tag)) {
>>>             found = true
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>         found
>>>       })
>>>       filtered
>>>     })
>>>     filtered_statuses.foreachRDD(rdd => {
>>>       rdd.collect.foreach(t => {
>>>         println(t)
>>>       })
>>>    })
>>>     ssc.start()
>>>   }

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