Hi Guys,

I have struggled for a while on this seeming simple thing:

I have a sequence of timestamps and want to create a dataframe with 1 column.


//import collection.breakOut

var seqTimestamp = scala.collection.Seq(listTs:_*)

seqTimestamp: Seq[java.sql.Timestamp] = List(2015-07-22 16:52:00.0,
2015-07-22 16:53:00.0, ....., )

I tried a lot of ways to create a dataframe and below is another failed way:

import sqlContext.implicits._
var rddTs = sc.parallelize(seqTimestamp)

<console>:108: error: value toDF is not a member of
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[java.sql.Timestamp] rddTs.toDF("minInterval")

So, any guru could please tell me how to do this????

I am not familiar with Scala or Spark. I wonder if learning Scala will
help this at all? It just sounds a lot of time of trial/error and

docs like
does not help.

Btw, I am using Spark 1.4.

Thanks in advance,


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