I'm looking for open source workflow tools/engines that allow us to
schedule spark jobs on a datastax cassandra cluster. Since there are tonnes
of alternatives out there like Ozzie, Azkaban, Luigi , Chronos etc, I
wanted to check with people here to see what they are using today.

Some of the requirements of the workflow engine that I'm looking for are

1. First class support for submitting Spark jobs on Cassandra. Not some
wrapper Java code to submit tasks.
2. Active open source community support and well tested at production scale.
3. Should be dead easy to write job dependencices using XML or web
interface . Ex; job A depends on Job B and Job C, so run Job A after B and
C are finished. Don't need to write full blown java applications to specify
job parameters and dependencies. Should be very simple to use.
4. Time based  recurrent scheduling. Run the spark jobs at a given time
every hour or day or week or month.
5. Job monitoring, alerting on failures and email notifications on daily

I have looked at Ooyala's spark job server which seems to be hated towards
making spark jobs run faster by sharing contexts between the jobs but isn't
a full blown workflow engine per se. A combination of spark job server and
workflow engine would be ideal

Thanks for the inputs

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