By the way, if Hive is present in the Spark install, does show up in text
when you start the spark shell? Any commands I can run to check if it
exists? I didn't setup the spark machine that I use, so I don't know what's
present or absent.


On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Jerry <> wrote:

> Thanks...   looks like I now hit that bug about HiveMetaStoreClient as I
> now get the message about being unable to instantiate it. On a side note,
> does anyone know where hive-site.xml is typically located?
> Thanks,
>         Jerry
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Michael Armbrust <>
> wrote:
>> You will need to use a HiveContext for window functions to work.
>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Jerry <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Using Apache Spark 1.4.1 I'm unable to use lag or lead when making
>>> queries to a data frame and I'm trying to figure out if I just have a bad
>>> setup or if this is a bug. As for the exceptions I get: when using
>>> selectExpr() with a string as an argument, I get "NoSuchElementException:
>>> key not found: lag" and when using the select method and
>>> ...spark.sql.functions.lag I get an AnalysisException. If I replace lag
>>> with abs in the first case, Spark runs without exception, so none of the
>>> other syntax is incorrect.
>>> As for how I'm running it; the code is written in Java with a static
>>> method that takes the SparkContext as an argument which is used to create a
>>> JavaSparkContext which then is used to create an SQLContext which loads a
>>> json file from the local disk and runs those queries on that data frame
>>> object. FYI: the java code is compiled, jared and then pointed to with -cp
>>> when starting the spark shell, so all I do is "" in shell.
>>> Let me know what to look for to debug this problem. I'm not sure where
>>> to look to solve this problem.
>>> Thanks,
>>>         Jerry

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