As far as I know, Spark SQL cannot process data on a per-partition-basis.
DataFrame.foreachPartition is the way.

I haven't tried it, but, following looks like a not-so-sophisticated way of
making spark sql partition aware.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 5:00 AM, Philip Weaver <>

> Thanks.
> In my particular case, I am calculating a distinct count on a key that is
> unique to each partition, so I want to calculate the distinct count within
> each partition, and then sum those. This approach will avoid moving the
> sets of that key around between nodes, which would be very expensive.
> Currently, to accomplish this we are manually reading in the parquet files
> (not through Spark SQL), using a bitset to calculate the unique count
> within each partition, and accumulating that sum. Doing this through Spark
> SQL would be nice, but the naive "SELECT distinct(count(...))" approach
> takes 60 times as long :). The approach I mentioned above might be an
> acceptable hybrid solution.
> - Philip
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Eugene Morozov <>
> wrote:
>> Philip,
>> If all data per key are inside just one partition, then Spark will figure
>> that out. Can you guarantee that’s the case?
>> What is it you try to achieve? There might be another way for it, when
>> you might be 100% sure what’s happening.
>> You can print debugString or explain (for DataFrame) to see what’s
>> happening under the hood.
>> On 12 Aug 2015, at 01:19, Philip Weaver <> wrote:
>> If I have an RDD that happens to already be partitioned by a key, how
>> efficient can I expect a groupBy operation to be? I would expect that Spark
>> shouldn't have to move data around between nodes, and simply will have a
>> small amount of work just checking the partitions to discover that it
>> doesn't need to move anything around.
>> Now, what if we're talking about a parquet database created by using
>> DataFrameWriter.partitionBy(...), then will Spark SQL be smart when I group
>> by a key that I'm already partitioned by?
>> - Philip
>> Eugene Morozov

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