
I am using a mesos cluster to run my spark jobs.
I have one mesos-master and two mesos-slaves setup on 2 machines.
On one machine, master and slave are setup and on the second machine
mesos-slave is setup
I run these on  m3-large ec2 instances.

1. When i try to submit two jobs using spark-submit in parallel, one job
hangs with the message : "Initial job has not accepted any resources; check
your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient
resources". But when i check on the mesos cluster UI which runs at 5050
port, i can see idle memory which can be used by the hanging job. But
number of idle cores is 1.
So, does this mean that cores are pinned to spark-submit and no other
spark-submit can get the core till the running spark-submit completes ?

2. Assumption : "submitting multiple spark-jobs using spark-submit has the
above mentioned problem ".
Now my task is to run a spark-streaming job which reads from kafka and does
some precomputation.
The nature of my pre-computation jobs are in such a way that, each
pre-compute jobs has few mutually exclusive tasks to complete where all the
tasks have inherent tree structure in them. i.e A task initiates few other
tasks and they initiate further more tasks.
I already have spark jobs which run as a batch job to perform the
pre-computations  mentioned above. Now, is it a good idea to convert these
precompuations jobs into akka actors ?

3. If at all running multiple spark-submit jobs with shared CPU is
possible, for the scenario explained in Point.2, which approach is better :
"precomputation jobs as actors" vs "multiple spark-submits" ?

Any pointers to clear my above doubts is highly appreciated.

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