
Is there a way to submit an app code change, keeping the checkpoint data or
do I need to erase the checkpoint folder every time I re-submit the spark
app with a new jar?

I have an app that count pageviews streaming from Kafka, and deliver a file
every hour from the past 24 hours. I'm using reduceByKeyAndWindow with the
reduce and inverse functions set.

I'm doing some code improvements and would like to keep the data from the
past hours, so when I re-submit a code change, I would keep delivering the
pageviews aggregation without need to wait for 24 hours of new data.
Sometimes I'm just changing the submission parameters, like number of
executors, memory and cores.

Many thanks,


Ricardo Paiva
Big Data / Semântica
*globo.com* <http://www.globo.com>

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