
I am using SparkSQL to query some Hive tables. Most of the time, when I
create a DataFrame using sqlContext.sql("select * from table") command,
DataFrame creation is less than 0.5 second.
But I have this one table with which it takes almost 12 seconds!

scala>  val start = scala.compat.Platform.currentTime; val logs =
sqlContext.sql("select * from temp.log"); val execution =
scala.compat.Platform.currentTime - start
15/09/04 12:07:02 INFO ParseDriver: Parsing command: select * from temp.log
15/09/04 12:07:02 INFO ParseDriver: Parse Completed
start: Long = 1441336022731
logs: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [user_id: string, option: int,
log_time: string, tag: string, dt: string, test_id: int]
execution: Long = *11567*

This table has 3.6 B rows, and 2 partitions (on dt and test_id columns).
I have created DataFrames on even larger tables and do not see such delay.
So my questions are:
- What can impact DataFrame creation time?
- Is it related to the table partitions?

Thanks much your help!


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