
I am speaking in Spark Europe summit on exploiting GPUs for columnar
DataFrame operations. I was going through various blogs, talks and JIRAs
given by all you and trying to figure out where to make changes for this

First of all, I must thank the recent progress in project tungsten that has
made my job easier. The changes for code generation make it possible to
allow me to generate OpenCL code for expressions instead of existing
java/scala code and run the OpenCL code on GPUs through a Java library

However, before starting the work, I have a few questions/doubts as below:

   * I found where the code generation happens in spark code from the blogs
However, I could not find where is the generated code executed? A major part
of my changes will be there since this executor will now have to send
vectors of columns to GPU RAM, invoke execution, and get the results back to
CPU RAM. Thus, the existing executor will significantly change.
   * On the project tungsten blog, in the third Code Generation section, you
mention that you plan to increase the level of code generation from
record-at-a-time expression evaluation to vectorized expression evaluation.
Has this been implemented? If not, how do I implement this? I will need
access to columnar ByteBuffer objects in DataFrame to do this. Having row by
row access to data will defeat this exercise. In particular, I need access
in the executor of the generated code.
   * One thing that confuses me is the changes from 1.4 to 1.5 possibly due
to JIRA https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-7956 and pull request
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/6479/files. This changed the code
generation from quasiquotes (q) to string s operator. This makes it simpler
for me to generate OpenCL code which is string based. The question, is this
branch stable now? Should I make my changes on spark 1.4 or spark 1.5 or
master branch?
How do I tune the batch size (number of rows in the ByteBuffer)? Is it
through the property spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.batchSize?

Thanks in anticipation,


Other things I found useful were:

Spark DataFrames: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12891/166495
Apache Spark 1.5: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12891/168177

The links to JavaCL/ScalaCL:

Library to execute OpenCL code through Java:
Library to convert Scala code to OpenCL and execute on GPUs:

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