Let me say first, I'm the Esper project lead.Esper is alive and well and not at 
all obsolete. Esper provides event series analysis by providing an 
SQL92-standards event processing language (EPL). It allows to express situation 
detection logic very concisely, usually much more concisely then any code you'd 
need to write and deploy yourself into a streaming container. This is because 
EPL has concepts such as joins, subqueries, patterns etc.. 
By the way, there are so many streaming containers like spark streaming. I 
think I could list 20 or more relevant streaming logic containers, all 
incompatible to each other, most likely many of these new streaming logic 
containers will also be obsolete in the next few years.
Best regards,Tom
      From: Koert Kuipers <ko...@tresata.com>
 To: Bertrand Dechoux <decho...@gmail.com> 
Cc: Todd Nist <tsind...@gmail.com>; Otis Gospodnetić 
<otis.gospodne...@gmail.com>; "user@spark.apache.org" <user@spark.apache.org> 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 7:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Replacing Esper with Spark Streaming?
obsolete is not the same as dead... we have a few very large tech companies to 
prove that point

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Bertrand Dechoux <decho...@gmail.com> wrote:

The big question would be what feature of Esper your are using. Esper is a CEP 
solution. I doubt that Spark Streaming can do everything Esper does without any 
development. Spark (Streaming) is more a general-purpose platform.


But I would be glad to be proven wrong (which also would implies EsperTech is 
dead, which I also doubt...)


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Todd Nist <tsind...@gmail.com> wrote:

Stratio offers a CEP implementation based on Spark Streaming and the Siddhi CEP 
engine.  I have not used the below, but they may be of some value to you:

On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Otis Gospodnetić <otis.gospodne...@gmail.com> 

I'm wondering if anyone has attempted to replace Esper with Spark Streaming or 
if anyone thinks Spark Streaming is/isn't a good tool for the (CEP) job?
We are considering Akka or Spark Streaming as possible Esper replacements and 
would appreciate any input from people who tried to do that with either of 
them. Thanks,Otis
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