
I am running some deep learning algorithm on spark.


i am trying to run this example in local mode and its working fine.
but when i try to run this example in cluster mode i got following error.

Loaded Mnist dataframe:
15/09/17 18:20:33 WARN TaskSetManager: Stage 0 contains a task of very
large size (46279 KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB.
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
to stage failure: Serialized task 0:0 was 47622358 bytes, which exceeds max
allowed: spark.akka.frameSize (10485760 bytes) - reserved (204800 bytes).
Consider increasing spark.akka.frameSize or using broadcast variables for
large values.
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler.org

Also i have attached the snapshot of error.

And my java driver program is

  public static void main(String[] args) {

        SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("spark://hadoopm0:7077").
                .setAppName("Mnist Classification Pipeline (Java)");
        SparkContext jsc = new SparkContext(conf);
       SQLContext jsql = new SQLContext(jsc);

        //String imagesPath =
        //String labelsPath =
        String imagesPath =
        String labelsPath =
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
        params.put("imagesPath", imagesPath);
        params.put("labelsPath", labelsPath);
        DataFrame data = jsql.read().format(DefaultSource.class.getName())

        System.out.println("\nLoaded Mnist dataframe:");

Please give me some reference or suggestions to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance
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