Once you convert your data to a dataframe (look at spark-csv), try
df.write.partitionBy("yyyy", "mm").save("...").

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:11 PM, haridass saisriram <
haridass.saisri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>   I am trying to find a simple example to read a data file on HDFS. The
> file has the following format
> a , b  , c ,yyyy,mm
> a1,b1,c1,2015,09
> a2,b2,c2,2014,08
> I would like to read this file and store it in HDFS partitioned by year
> and month. Something like this
> /path/to/hdfs/yyyy/mm
> I want to specify the "/path/to/hdfs/" and yyyy/mm should be populated
> automatically based on those columns. Could some one point me in the right
> direction
> Thank you,
> Sri Ram

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