You are absolutely correct, I apologize.

My understanding was that you are sharing the machine across many jobs. That 
was the context in which I was making that comment.


Sent from my iPhone

On 03 Oct 2015, at 07:03, Philip Weaver 
<<>> wrote:

You can't really say 8 cores is not much horsepower when you have no idea what 
my use case is. That's silly.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 10:33 PM, Adrian Tanase 
<<>> wrote:
Forgot to mention that you could also restrict the parallelism to 4, 
essentially using only 4 cores at any given time, however if your job is 
complex, a stage might be broken into more than 1 task...

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Sep 2015, at 08:30, Adrian Tanase 
<<>> wrote:

Reading through the docs it seems that with a combination of FAIR scheduler and 
maybe pools you can get pretty far.

However the smallest unit of scheduled work is the task so probably you need to 
think about the parallelism of each transformation.

I'm guessing that by increasing the level of parallelism you get many smaller 
tasks that the scheduler can then run across the many jobs you might have - as 
opposed to fewer, longer tasks...

Lastly, 8 cores is not that much horsepower :)
You may consider running with beefier machines or a larger cluster, to get at 
least tens of cores.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Sep 2015, at 18:37, Philip Weaver 
<<>> wrote:

Here's a specific example of what I want to do. My Spark application is running 
with total-executor-cores=8. A request comes in, it spawns a thread to handle 
that request, and starts a job. That job should use only 4 cores, not all 8 of 
the cores available to the cluster.. When the first job is scheduled, it should 
take only 4 cores, not all 8 of the cores that are available to the driver.

Is there any way to accomplish this? This is on mesos.

In order to support the use cases described in, where a spark 
application runs for a long time and handles requests from multiple users, I 
believe what I'm asking about is a very important feature. One of the goals is 
to get lower latency for each request, but if the first request takes all 
resources and we can't guarantee any free resources for the second request, 
then that defeats the purpose. Does that make sense?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!

- Philip

On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 10:40 PM, Philip Weaver 
<<>> wrote:
I'm playing around with dynamic allocation in spark-1.5.0, with the FAIR 
scheduler, so I can define a long-running application capable of executing 
multiple simultaneous spark jobs.

The kind of jobs that I'm running do not benefit from more than 4 cores, but I 
want my application to be able to take several times that in order to run 
multiple jobs at the same time.

I suppose my question is more basic: How can I limit the number of cores used 
to load an RDD or DataFrame? I can immediately repartition or coalesce my RDD 
or DataFrame to 4 partitions after I load it, but that doesn't stop Spark from 
using more cores to load it.

Does it make sense what I am trying to accomplish, and is there any way to do 

- Philip

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