Stacktrace would be helpful if you can provide that.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:42 PM, fahad shah <> wrote:

>  Hi
> I am trying to do pair rdd's, group by the key assign id based on key.
> I am using Pyspark with spark 1.3, for some reason, I am getting this
> error that I am unable to figure out - any help much appreciated.
> Things I tried (but to no effect),
> 1. make sure I am not doing any conversions on the strings
> 2. make sure that the fields used in the key are all there  and not
> empty string (or else I toss the row out)
> My code is along following lines (split is using stringio to parse
> csv, header removes the header row and parse_train is putting the 54
> fields into named tuple after whitespace/quote removal):
> #Error for string argument is thrown on the BB.take(1) where the
> groupbykey is evaluated
> A = sc.textFile("train.csv").filter(lambda x:not
> isHeader(x)).map(split).map(parse_train).filter(lambda x: not x is
> None)
> A.count()
> B = k:
> ((k.srch_destination_id,k.srch_length_of_stay,k.srch_booking_window,k.srch_adults_count,
>                          k.srch_children_count,k.srch_room_count),
> (k[0:54])))
> BB = B.groupByKey()
> BB.take(1)
> best fahad
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Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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