You can do the following. Start the spark-shell. Register the UDFs in the
shell using sqlContext, then start the Thrift Server using startWithContext
from the spark shell:


On 23 October 2015 at 01:15, Dave Moyers <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have several udf's written in Scala that we use within jobs submitted
> into Spark. They work perfectly with the sqlContext after being registered.
> We also allow access to saved tables via the Hive Thrift server bundled
> with Spark. However, we would like to allow Hive connections to use the
> udf's in their queries against the saved tables. Is there a way to register
> udf's such that they can be used within both a Spark job and in a Hive
> connection?
> Thanks!
> Dave
> Sent from my iPad
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