Hi Sparkians,

I use the latest Spark 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT in spark-shell with the default
local[*] master.

I created an RDD of pairs using the following snippet:

val rdd = sc.parallelize(0 to 5).map(n => (n, util.Random.nextBoolean))

It's all fine so far. The map transformation causes no computation.

I thought all transformations are lazy and trigger no job until an
action's called. It seems I was wrong with sortByKey()! When I called
`rdd.sortByKey()`, it started a job: sortByKey at <console>:27 (!)

Can anyone explain what makes for the different behaviour of sortByKey
since it is a transformation and hence should be lazy? Is this a
special transformation?


Jacek Laskowski | http://blog.japila.pl | http://blog.jaceklaskowski.pl
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