 I have a case class with many columns that are Option[Int] or
Option[Array[Byte]] and such.
 I would like to save it to parquet file and later read it back to my case
class too.
 I found that Option[Int] when null returns 0 when the field is Null.
 My question:
 Is there a way to get Option[Int] from a row instead of Int from a


Some more description

/*My case class*/
case class Student(name: String, age: Option[Int])

val s = new Student("Manas",Some(35))
val s1 = new Student("Manas1",None)
val student =sc.makeRDD(List(s,s1)).toDF

/*Now writing the dataframe*/

/*Lets read it back*/
val st1 = sqlContext.read.parquet("/tmp/t1")

|  name| age|
| Manas|  35|

But now I want to cast my dataframe to the dataframe[Student]. What is the
easiest way to do it?


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