Hi Simone,
I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your question. However I noticed the
DAG figures in the attachment. How did you generate these? I am myself
working on a project in which I am trying to generate visual
representations of the spark scheduler DAG. If such a tool already exists,
I would greatly appreciate any pointers.


On 9 November 2015 at 13:52, Simone Franzini <captainfr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a complex Spark job that is broken up in many stages.
> I have a couple of stages that are particularly slow: each task takes
> around 6 - 7 minutes. This stage is fairly complex as you can see from the
> attached DAG. However, by construction each of the outer joins will have
> only 0 or 1 record on each side.
> It seems to me that this stage is really slow. However, the execution
> timeline shows that almost 100% of the time is spent in actual execution
> time not reading/writing to/from disk or in other overheads.
> Does this make any sense? I.e. is it just that these operations are slow
> (and notice task size in term of data seems small)?
> Is the pattern of operations in the DAG good or is it terribly suboptimal?
> If so, how could it be improved?
> Simone Franzini, PhD
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/simonefranzini
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