
I am using KafkaUtils.createRDD to retrieve data from Kafka for batch
processing and
when Invoking KafkaUtils.createRDD with an OffsetRange where
OffsetRange.fromOffset == OffsetRange.untilOffset for a particular
partition, i get an empy RDD.
Documentation is clear that until is exclusive and from inclusive, but if i
use OffsetRange.untilOffset + 1 i get an invalid OffsetRange exception
during the check.
Sinve this should also apply in general (if untilOffset is exculsive you
cannot fetch it ), does it mean that untilOffset is also non-existent in
Kafka (and thus always exlcusive) or i am missing something?


p.s. by manually using the kafka protocol to query the offsets i see
that kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()
== kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime() and set to a poisitive value

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