     I'm working on storing effectively what is a session that receives its
close event using spark streaming, by using updateStateByKey.

private static Function2<List<SessionUpdate>, Optional<SessionUpdate>,

 COLLECTED_SESSION = (newItems, current) -> {

        SessionUpdate returnValue = current.orNull();

        for (SessionUpdate i : newItems) {
             returnValue = (returnValue == null)?returnValue:returnValue.

           *// the question is should long term persistence happen here?*
*           // ie. someDataStore.store(ans);*
           return null;
          return Optional.of(returnValue);

For some reason this feels wrong, but it could just be I haven't
encountered this way of thinking before. Any pointers/confirmation of what
the best approach is to this would be great.

Thanks a Million,
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Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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