Hi Eyal,

what you're seeing is not a Spark issue, it is related to boxed types.

I assume 'b' in your code is some kind of java buffer, where b.getDouble()
returns an instance of java.lang.Double and not a scala.Double. Hence
muCouch is an Array[java.lang.Double], an array containing boxed doubles.

To fix your problem, change 'yield b.getDouble(i)' to 'yield

You might want to have a look at these too:
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Double.html
- http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.Double

On 30 November 2015 at 10:13, Eyal Sharon <e...@scene53.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I have problem with inferring what are the types bug here
> I have this code fragment . it parse Json to Array[Double]
> *val muCouch = {  val e = input.filter( _.id=="mu")(0).content()  val b  = 
> e.getArray("feature_mean")  for (i <- 0 to e.getInt("features") ) yield 
> b.getDouble(i)}.toArray*
> Now the problem is when I want to create a dense vector  :
> *new DenseVector(muCouch)*
> I get the following error :
> *Error:(111, 21) type mismatch;
>  found   : Array[java.lang.Double]
>  required: Array[scala.Double] *
> Now , I probably get a workaround for that , but I want to get a deeper 
> understanding  on why it occurs
> p.s - I do use collection.JavaConversions._
> Thanks !
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