Article below gives a good idea.

Play around with two configuration (large number of executor with small core, 
and small executor with large core) .  Calculated value have to be conservative 
or it will make the spark jobs unstable.


From: Veljko Skarich []
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 3:08 PM
Subject: ideal number of executors per machine


I'm looking for suggestions on the ideal number of executors per machine. I run 
my jobs on 64G 32 core machines, and at the moment I have one executor running 
per machine, on the spark standalone cluster.

 I could not find many guidelines for figuring out the ideal number of 
executors; the Spark official documentation merely recommends not having more 
than 64G per executor to avoid GC issues. Anyone have and advice on this?

thank you.

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