I'm using Spark Streaming and Kafka with Direct Approach. I have created a
topic with 6 partitions so when I execute Spark there are six RDD. I
understand than ideally it should have six executors to process each one
one RDD. To do it, when I execute spark-submit (I use  YARN) I specific the
number executors to six.
If I don't specific anything it just create one executor. Looking for
information I have read:

"The --num-executors command-line flag or spark.executor.instances
property control the number of executors requested. Starting in CDH
5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be able to avoid setting this property by turning
on dynamic allocation
thespark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation enables a
Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of pending
tasks and free up executors when idle."

I have this parameter enabled, I understand than if I don't set the
parameter --num-executors it must create six executors or am I wrong?

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