Have you ever try the DataFrame API like: 
sqlContext.read.json("/path/to/file.json"); the Spark SQL will auto infer the 
type/schema for you.

And lateral view will help on the flatten issues,
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+LateralView, as 
well as the “a.b[0].c” format of expression.

From: Andrés Ivaldi [mailto:iaiva...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 3:39 AM
To: Sahil Sareen
Cc: Al Pivonka; user
Subject: Re: JSON to SQL

I'm really brand new with Scala, but if I'm defining a case class then is 
becouse I know how is the json's structure is previously?

If I'm able to define dinamicaly a case class from the JSON structure then even 
with spark I will be able to extract the data

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Sahil Sareen 
<sareen...@gmail.com<mailto:sareen...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Isn't this just about defining a case class and using 
parse(json).extract[CaseClassName]  using Jackson?


On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 11:08 PM, Andrés Ivaldi 
<iaiva...@gmail.com<mailto:iaiva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
We dont have Domain Objects, its a service like a pipeline, data is read  from 
source and they are saved it in relational Database

I can read the structure from DataFrames, and do some transformations, I would 
prefer to do it with Spark to be consistent with the process

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Al Pivonka 
<alpivo...@gmail.com<mailto:alpivo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Are you using an Relational Database?
If so why not use a nojs DB ? then pull from it to your relational?

Or utilize a library that understands Json structure like Jackson to obtain the 
data from the Json structure the persist the Domain Objects ?

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Andrés Ivaldi 
<iaiva...@gmail.com<mailto:iaiva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
The Job is like an etl, but without interface, so I decide the rules of how the 
JSON will be saved into a SQL Table.

I need to Flatten the hierarchies where is possible in case of list flatten 
also, nested objects Won't be processed by now

{"a":1,"b":[2,3],"c"="Field", "d":[4,5,6,7,8] }
{"a":11,"b":[22,33],"c"="Field1", "d":[44,55,66,77,88] }
{"a":111,"b":[222,333],"c"="Field2", "d":[44,55,666,777,888] }

I would like something like this on my SQL table
a        b              c             d
1        2,3            Field         4,5,6,7,8
11       22,33          Field1        44,55,66,77,88
111      222,333        Field2        444,555,,666,777,888
Right now this is what i need
I will later add more intelligence, like detection of list or nested objects 
and create relations in other tables.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 11:25 AM, Al Pivonka 
<alpivo...@gmail.com<mailto:alpivo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
More detail is needed.
Can you provide some context to the use-case ?

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 8:33 AM, Andrés Ivaldi 
<iaiva...@gmail.com<mailto:iaiva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to Save a JSON filo into SQL table.

If i try to do this directly the IlligalArgumentException is raised, I suppose 
this is beacouse JSON have a hierarchical structure, is that correct?

If that is the problem, how can I flatten the JSON structure? The JSON 
structure to be processed would be unknow, so I need to do it programatically

Ing. Ivaldi Andres

Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by those doing it.

Ing. Ivaldi Andres

Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by those doing it.

Ing. Ivaldi Andres

Ing. Ivaldi Andres

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