Hi Michael,

Is there a section in the spark documentation demonstrate how to serialize
arbitrary objects in Dataframe? The last time I did was using some User
Defined Type (copy from VectorUDT).

Best Regards,


On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Michael Armbrust <mich...@databricks.com>

> A principal difference between RDDs and DataFrames/Datasets is that the
>> latter have a schema associated to them. This means that they support only
>> certain types (primitives, case classes and more) and that they are
>> uniform, whereas RDDs can contain any serializable object and must not
>> necessarily be uniform. These properties make it possible to generate very
>> efficient serialization and other optimizations that cannot be achieved
>> with plain RDDs.
> You can use Encoder.kryo() as well to serialize arbitrary objects, just
> like with RDDs.

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