
I am using following transformations on RDD:

rddAgg = df.map(lambda l: (Row(a = l.a, b= l.b, c = l.c), l))\
           .aggregateByKey([], lambda accumulatorList, value:
accumulatorList + [value], lambda list1, list2: [list1] + [list2])

I want to use the dataframe groupBy + agg transformation instead of
map + aggregateByKey because as far as I know dataframe
transformations are faster than RDD transformations.

I just can't figure out how to use custom aggregate functions with agg.

*First step is clear:*

groupedData = df.groupBy("a","b","c")

*Second step is not very clear to me:*

dfAgg = groupedData.agg(<I should call here a UDF that transforms each
row to a list and merges it?>)

The agg documentations says the following:

Compute aggregates and returns the result as a DataFrame

The available aggregate functions are avg, max, min, sum, count.

If exprs is a single dict mapping from string to string, then the key is
the column to perform aggregation on, and the value is the aggregate

Alternatively, exprs can also be a list of aggregate Column
Parameters: *exprs* – a dict mapping from column name (string) to aggregate
functions (string), or a list of Column

Thanks for help!

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