Hi Gaurav
I am not sure what you are trying to do here as you are naming two data frames 
with the same name which would be a compilation error in java. 
However, after trying to see what you are asking, as of what I understand your 
question is.
You can do something like this;

> SqlContext sqlContext = new SQlContext(sc) // This will create a sqlcontext 
> object to leverage spark-sql api.
                 DataFrame firstDataFrame = 
sqlContext.read().jdbc(“url”,”(select * from employee) as emp”) // See here I 
am throwing a sub query to select all the employee
                /* Or I can also have a subquery like this "(select * from 
employee as e where e.empid = 1) as emp". The subquery that you throw as a part 
                 * parameters would be running inside the database that you are 
connecting to using the url specified in the query.
                 DataFrame secondDataFrame =  
sqlContext.read().jdbc(“url”,”(select * from department as d where d.deptid = 
2) as dept”)

Please tell me if I cleared you query or I didn’t then please clarify your 
question. Please ask me if you have any other question too. 
Rishabh Wadhawan


> On Feb 11, 2016, at 9:47 AM, Gaurav Agarwal <gaurav130...@gmail.com> wrote:
> SqlContext sContext = new SQlContext(sc)
> DataFrame df = sContext.load("jdbc","select * from employee"); // These 
> queries will be the Map<String,String> with driver.
> DataFrame df = sContext.load("jdbc","select * from Dept");

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