
I have used Hive on Spark engine and of course Hive tables and its pretty
impressive comparing Hive using MR engine.


Let us assume that I use spark shell. Spark shell is a client that connects
to spark master running on a host and port like below

spark-shell --master spark://

Ok once I connect I create an RDD to read a text file:

val oralog = sc.textFile("/test/alert_mydb.log")

I then search for word Errors in that file

oralog.filter(line => line.contains("Errors")).collect().foreach(line =>




1.      In order to display the lines (the result set) containing word
"Errors", the content of the file (i.e. the blocks on HDFS) need to be read
into memory. Is my understanding correct that as per RDD notes those blocks
from the file will be partitioned across the cluster and each node will have
its share of blocks in memory?
2.      Once the result is returned back they need to be sent to the client
that has made the connection to master. I guess this is a simple TCP
operation much like any relational database sending the result back?
3.      Once the results are returned if no request has been made to keep
the data in memory, those blocks in memory will be discarded?
4.      Regardless of the storage block size on disk (128MB, 256MB etc), the
memory pages are 2K in relational databases? Is this the case in Spark as


 Mich Talebzadeh




 <http://talebzadehmich.wordpress.com/> http://talebzadehmich.wordpress.com


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