If you don't want to update your only option will be updateStateByKey then
On 13 Feb 2016 8:48 p.m., "Ted Yu" <yuzhih...@gmail.com> wrote:

> mapWithState supports checkpoint.
> There has been some bug fix since release of 1.6.0
> e.g.
>   SPARK-12591 NullPointerException using checkpointed mapWithState with
> KryoSerializer
> which is in the upcoming 1.6.1
> Cheers
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Abhishek Anand <abhis.anan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Does mapWithState checkpoints the data ?
>> When my application goes down and is restarted from checkpoint, will
>> mapWithState need to recompute the previous batches data ?
>> Also, to use mapWithState I will need to upgrade my application as I am
>> using version 1.4.0 and mapWithState isnt supported there. Is there any
>> other work around ?
>> Cheers!!
>> Abhi
>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 3:33 AM, Sebastian Piu <sebastian....@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Looks like mapWithState could help you?
>>> On 11 Feb 2016 8:40 p.m., "Abhishek Anand" <abhis.anan...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I have an use case like follows in my production environment where I am
>>>> listening from kafka with slideInterval of 1 min and windowLength of 2
>>>> hours.
>>>> I have a JavaPairDStream where for each key I am getting the same key
>>>> but with different value,which might appear in the same batch or some next
>>>> batch.
>>>> When the key appears second time I need to update a field in value of
>>>> previous key with a field in the later key. The keys for which the
>>>> combination keys do not come should be rejected after 2 hours.
>>>> At the end of each second I need to output the result to external
>>>> database.
>>>> For example :
>>>> Suppose valueX is object of MyClass with fields int a, String b
>>>> At t=1sec I am getting
>>>> key0,value0(0,"prev0")
>>>> key1,value1 (1, "prev1")
>>>> key2,value2 (2,"prev2")
>>>> key2,value3 (3, "next2")
>>>> Output to database after 1 sec
>>>> key2, newValue (2,"next2")
>>>> At t=2 sec getting
>>>> key3,value4(4,"prev3")
>>>> key1,value5(5,"next1")
>>>> Output to database after 2 sec
>>>> key1,newValue(1,"next1")
>>>> At t=3 sec
>>>> key4,value6(6,"prev4")
>>>> key3,value7(7,"next3")
>>>> key5,value5(8,"prev5")
>>>> key5,value5(9,"next5")
>>>> key0,value0(10,"next0")
>>>> Output to database after 3 sec
>>>> key0,newValue(0,"next0")
>>>> key3,newValue(4,"next3")
>>>> key5,newValue(8,"next5")
>>>> Please suggest how this can be achieved.
>>>> Thanks a lot !!!!
>>>> Abhi

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