Yes, I am not really happy with that "collect".
I was taking a look to use subgraph method and others options and didn't
figure out anything easy or direct..

I'm going to try your idea.

2016-02-26 14:16 GMT+01:00 Robin East <>:

> Whilst I can think of other ways to do it I don’t think they would be
> conceptually or syntactically any simpler. GraphX doesn’t have the concept
> of built-in vertex properties which would make this simpler - a vertex in
> GraphX is a Vertex ID (Long) and a bunch of custom attributes that you
> assign. This means you have to find a way of ‘pushing’ the vertex degree
> into the graph so you can do comparisons (cf a join in relational
> databases) or as you have done create a list and filter against that (cf
> filtering against a sub-query in relational database).
> One thing I would point out is that you probably want to avoid
> finalVerexes.collect() for a large-scale system - this will pull all the
> vertices into the driver and then push them out to the executors again as
> part of the filter operation. A better strategy for large graphs would be:
> 1. build a graph based on the existing graph where the vertex attribute is
> the vertex degree - the GraphX documentation shows how to do this
> 2. filter this “degrees” graph to just give you 0 degree vertices
> 3 use graph.mask passing in the 0-degree graph to get the original graph
> with just 0 degree vertices
> Just one variation on several possibilities, the key point is that
> everything is just a graph transformation until you call an action on the
> resulting graph
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robin East
> *Spark GraphX in Action* Michael Malak and Robin East
> Manning Publications Co.
> On 26 Feb 2016, at 11:59, Guillermo Ortiz <> wrote:
> I'm new with graphX. I need to get the vertex without out edges..
> I guess that it's pretty easy but I did it pretty complicated.. and
> inefficienct
> val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, (List[String], List[String]))] =
>   sc.parallelize(Array((1L, (List("a"), List[String]())),
>     (2L, (List("b"), List[String]())),
>     (3L, (List("c"), List[String]())),
>     (4L, (List("d"), List[String]())),
>     (5L, (List("e"), List[String]())),
>     (6L, (List("f"), List[String]()))))
> // Create an RDD for edges
> val relationships: RDD[Edge[Boolean]] =
>   sc.parallelize(Array(Edge(1L, 2L, true), Edge(2L, 3L, true), Edge(3L, 4L, 
> true), Edge(5L, 2L, true)))
> val out = => vertex._1)
> val finalVertexes = minGraph.vertices.keys.subtract(out)
> //It must be something better than this way..
> val nodes = finalVertexes.collect()
> val result = minGraph.vertices.filter(v => nodes.contains(v._1))
> What's the good way to do this operation? It seems that it should be pretty 
> easy.

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