Hi Davies

> What's the type of `created`? TimestampType?

The Œcreated¹ column in cassandra is a timestamp

In the spark data frame it is a a timestamp

> If yes, when created is compared to a string, it will be casted into
> string, then compared as string, it become
> cast(created, as string) > '2016-03-12 00:30:00+0000'
> Could you try this
> sqlCtx.sql("select created, cast(created as string) from rawTable").show()

I am note sure I under stand your suggestion. In my where clause the date
range is specified using string literals. I need the value of created to be
a time stamps

# http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/format/simpleDateFormat.html
stmnt = "select \
            row_key, created,  cast(created as string), count,
unix_timestamp(created) as unixTimeStamp, \
            unix_timestamp(created, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.zz') as aedwip, \
            to_utc_timestamp(created, 'gmt') as gmt \
         from \
            rawTable \
         where \
             (created > '{0}') and (created <= '{1}') \
             and \
             (row_key = Œred' \
                        or row_key = Œblue' )".format('2016-03-12
00:30:00+0000', '2016-03-12 04:30:00+0000')

rawDF = sqlContext.read\
    .options(table="json_timeseries", keyspace="notification")\
rawDF = sqlCtx.sql(stmnt).cache()

The time stamps are still not UTC they are in PST

 |-- row_key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- created: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- created: string (nullable = true)
 |-- count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- unixTimeStamp: long (nullable = true)
 |-- aedwip: long (nullable = true)
 |-- gmt: timestamp (nullable = true)

|row_key      |created              |created
|count|unixTimeStamp|aedwip    |gmt                  |
|blue         |2016-03-12 00:30:30.0|2016-03-12 00:30:30|2    |1457771430
|1457771430|2016-03-12 00:30:30.0|
|blue         |2016-03-12 00:30:45.0|2016-03-12 00:30:45|1    |1457771445
|1457771445|2016-03-12 00:30:45.0|
|blue         |2016-03-12 00:31:00.0|2016-03-12 00:31:00|1    |1457771460
|1457771460|2016-03-12 00:31:00.0|

Kind regards


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