Could you publish it as a library (to an internal repo) then you can simply use 
the “--packages" option? Also will help with versioning as you make changes, 
that way you’re not having to manually ship JARs around to your machines and 

From: Леонид Поляков<>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 7:22 AM
Subject: Extra libs in executor classpath

Hello, guys!

I’ve been developing a kind of framework on top of spark, and my idea is to 
bundle the framework jars and some extra configs with the spark and pass it to 
other developers for their needs. So that devs can use this bundle and run 
usual spark stuff but with extra flavor that framework will add.

I’m trying to figure out how to properly set up the driver/executor classpath, 
so that framework classes are always loaded when you use the bundle.
I put framework libs in /lib folder right now, but will switch to something 
more specific later. I’m putting next spark-defaults.conf into my bundle:

spark.executor.extraClassPath /home/user/Apps/spark-bundled/lib/*
spark.driver.extraClassPath lib/*

And this seem to work, but I want to get rid of the absolute path from 
spark.executor.extraClassPath and use something relative, or spark home 
somehow, since libs are right there under /lib
I’ve tried these settings for executor, and they do not work:
spark.executor.extraClassPath $SPARK_HOME/lib/*
spark.executor.extraClassPath lib/*

I’ve found out that work directory for started workers is like 
$SPARK_HOME/work/app-20160316070310-0002/0, so this works:
spark.executor.extraClassPath ../../../lib/*

But looks cheaty and not stable.

Could you help me with this issue? Maybe there are some placeholders that I can 
use in configs?
Let me know if you need any worker/master/driver logs

P.S. driver does not work if I am not in $SPARK_HOME when I execute  
spark-submit, e.g. if I do
cd bin
./spark-submit …
Then driver classpath is relative to /bin and now lib/* or ./lib/* in classpath 
does not work, so I need $SPARK_HOME for driver as well

Thanks, Leonid

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