You need to use the struct function
(which creates an actual struct), you are trying to use the struct datatype
(which just represents the schema of a struct).

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Imran Akbar <> wrote:

> thanks Michael,
> I'm trying to implement the code in pyspark like so (where my dataframe
> has 3 columns - customer_id, dt, and product):
> st = StructType().add("dt", DateType(), True).add("product", StringType(),
> True)
> top ="customer_id", st.alias('vs'))
>   .groupBy("customer_id")
>   .agg(max("dt").alias("vs"))
>   .select("customer_id", "vs.dt", "vs.product")
> But I get an error saying:
> AttributeError: 'StructType' object has no attribute 'alias'
> Can I do this without aliasing the struct?  Or am I doing something
> incorrectly?
> regards,
> imran
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 4:16 PM, Michael Armbrust <>
> wrote:
>> Ordering for a struct goes in order of the fields.  So the max struct is
>>> the one with the highest TotalValue (and then the highest category
>>>       if there are multiple entries with the same hour and total value).
>>> Is this due to "InterpretedOrdering" in StructType?
>> That is one implementation, but the code generated ordering also follows
>> the same contract.
>>>  4)  Is it faster doing it this way than doing a join or window function
>>> in Spark SQL?
>>> Way faster.  This is a very efficient way to calculate argmax.
>>> Can you explain how this is way faster than window function? I can
>>> understand join doesn't make sense in this case. But to calculate the
>>> grouping max, you just have to shuffle the data by grouping keys. You maybe
>>> can do a combiner on the mapper side before shuffling, but that is it. Do
>>> you mean windowing function in Spark SQL won't do any map side combiner,
>>> even it is for max?
>> Windowing can't do partial aggregation and will have to collect all the
>> data for a group so that it can be sorted before applying the function.  In
>> contrast a max aggregation will do partial aggregation (map side combining)
>> and can be calculated in a streaming fashion.
>> Also, aggregation is more common and thus has seen more optimization
>> beyond the theoretical limits described above.

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