The setting


Is interesting to me, without this setting, the docker executor uses
net=host and thus port mappings are not needed.

With this setting, (and just adding some random mappings) my executors fail
with less then helpful messages.

I guess some questions here

1. If I specify port mappings is there an "implied" net=bridge that happens
with my executors? Since they are failing fast, I really can't see the
command to determine what the net setting is.

2. If 1 = true, then what port mappings do I need to run this in net=bridge
mode. This is actually preferred for me in that I am using MapR FS and it
doesn't seem to like running a mapr client (which Spark is using to access
the Filesystem) in a docker container on a MapR FS Node,  where net =
host.  I can do it where net=bridge and that works for MApR, but not
net=host, and thus, I am hoping I have some options for net=bridge.



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