You can call rdd.coalesce(10, shuffle = true) and the returning rdd will be
evenly balanced.  This obviously triggers a shuffle, so be advised it could
be an expensive operation depending on your RDD size.


On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Ayman Khalil <>

> Hello,
> I have 50,000 items parallelized into an RDD with 10 partitions, I would
> like to evenly split the items over the partitions so:
> 50,000/10 = 5,000 in each RDD partition.
> What I get instead is the following (partition index, partition count):
> [(0, 4096), (1, 5120), (2, 5120), (3, 5120), (4, 5120), (5, 5120), (6,
> 5120), (7, 5120), (8, 5120), (9, 4944)]
> the total is correct (4096 + 4944 + 8*5120 = 50,000) but the partitions
> are imbalanced.
> Is there a way to do that?
> Thank you,
> Ayman

Donald Drake
Drake Consulting <>

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