Hi All,
For the given DataFrame created by hive sql, however, then it is required to 
add one more column based on the existing column, and should also keep the 
previous columns there for the result DataFrame.

final double DAYS_30 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30.0;
//DAYS_30 seems difficult to call in the sql ? 
DataFrame behavior_df = jhql.sql("SELECT cast (user_id as double) as user_id, 
cast (server_timestamp as     
                   double) as server_timestamp, url, referer, source, 
app_version, params FROM log.request");
//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() not changed any

//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() only has one column as 
daysLater30 .//it would be the schema is with the previous all columns and 
added one as daysLater30 
behavior_df = behavior_df.withColumn("daysLater30", 
Then, how would do it?
Thank you, 

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