Oops, screwed up my example. This is what it should be:

    case class Test(id: Int)
    val test = Seq(
    test.as("t1").joinWith(test.as("t2"), $"t1.id" === $"t2.id").show
    val testMapped = test.map(t => t.copy(id = t.id + 1))
    testMapped.as("t1").joinWith(testMapped.as("t2"), $"t1.id" === $"t2.id

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:16 AM Tim Gautier <tim.gaut...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I figured it out the trigger. Turns out it wasn't because I loaded it from
> the database, it was because the first thing I do after loading is to lower
> case all the strings. After a Dataset has been mapped, the resulting
> Dataset can't be self joined. Here's a test case that illustrates the issue:
>     case class Test(id: Int)
>     val test = Seq(
>       Test(1),
>       Test(2),
>       Test(3)
>     ).toDS
>     test.as("t1").joinWith(test.as("t2"), $"t1.id" === $"t2.id").show //
> <-- works fine
>     val testMapped = test.map(_.id + 1) // add 1 to each
>     testMapped.as("t1").joinWith(testMapped.as("t2"), $"t1.id" === 
> $"t2.id").show
> // <-- error
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 10:44 AM Tim Gautier <tim.gaut...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I stand corrected. I just created a test table with a single int field to
>> test with and the Dataset loaded from that works with no issues. I'll see
>> if I can track down exactly what the difference might be.
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 10:29 AM Tim Gautier <tim.gaut...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm using 1.6.1.
>>> I'm not sure what good fake data would do since it doesn't seem to have
>>> anything to do with the data itself. It has to do with how the Dataset was
>>> created. Both datasets have exactly the same data in them, but the one
>>> created from a sql query fails where the one created from a Seq works. The
>>> case class is just a few Option[Int] and Option[String] fields, nothing
>>> special.
>>> Obviously there's some sort of difference between the two datasets, but
>>> Spark tells me they're exactly the same type with exactly the same data, so
>>> I couldn't create a test case without actually accessing a sql database.
>>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 10:15 AM Ted Yu <yuzhih...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Which release of Spark are you using ?
>>>> Is it possible to come up with fake data that shows what you described ?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 8:24 AM, Tim Gautier <tim.gaut...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Unfortunately I can't show exactly the data I'm using, but this is
>>>>> what I'm seeing:
>>>>> I have a case class 'Product' that represents a table in our database.
>>>>> I load that data via sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").options(...).
>>>>> load.as[Product] and register it in a temp table 'product'.
>>>>> For testing, I created a new Dataset that has only 3 records in it:
>>>>> val ts = sqlContext.sql("select * from product where
>>>>> product_catalog_id in (1, 2, 3)").as[Product]
>>>>> I also created another one using the same case class and data, but
>>>>> from a sequence instead.
>>>>> val ds: Dataset[Product] = Seq(
>>>>>       Product(Some(1), ...),
>>>>>       Product(Some(2), ...),
>>>>>       Product(Some(3), ...)
>>>>>     ).toDS
>>>>> The spark shell tells me these are exactly the same type at this
>>>>> point, but they don't behave the same.
>>>>> ts.as("ts1").joinWith(ts.as("ts2"), $"ts1.product_catalog_id" ===
>>>>> $"ts2.product_catalog_id")
>>>>> ds.as("ds1").joinWith(ds.as("ds2"), $"ds1.product_catalog_id" ===
>>>>> $"ds2.product_catalog_id")
>>>>> Again, spark tells me these self joins return exactly the same type,
>>>>> but when I do a .show on them, only the one created from a Seq works. The
>>>>> one created by reading from the database throws this error:
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve
>>>>> 'ts1.product_catalog_id' given input columns: [..., product_catalog_id,
>>>>> ...];
>>>>> Is this a bug? Is there anyway to make the Dataset loaded from a table
>>>>> behave like the one created from a sequence?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Tim

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