What's the value for yarn.log-aggregation.retain-seconds
and yarn.log-aggregation-enable ?

Which hadoop release are you using ?


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Rachana Srivastava <
rachana.srivast...@markmonitor.com> wrote:

> I am trying to find the root cause of recent Spark application failure in
> production. When the Spark application is running I can check NodeManager's
> yarn.nodemanager.log-dir property to get the Spark executor container logs.
> The container has logs for both the running Spark applications
> Here is the view of the container logs: drwx--x--- 3 yarn yarn 51 Jul 19
> 09:04 application_1467068598418_0209 drwx--x--- 5 yarn yarn 141 Jul 19
> 09:04 application_1467068598418_0210
> But when the application is killed both the application logs are
> automatically deleted. I have set all the log retention setting etc in Yarn
> to a very large number. But still these logs are deleted as soon as the
> Spark applications are crashed.
> Question: How can we retain these Spark application logs in Yarn for
> debugging when the Spark application is crashed for some reason.

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