Hi Ben,Already tried that. The thing is that any form of shuffle on the big 
dataset (which repartition will cause) puts a node's chunk into /tmp, and that 
fill up disk. I solved the problem by storing the 1.5GB dataset in an embedded 
redis instance on the driver, and doing a straight flatmap of the big dataset 
(doing lookups in redis). This avoids shuffling, and prevents the /tmp fill-up 

Subject: Re: Spark join and large temp files
From: bteeu...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 22:24:42 +0200
CC: user@spark.apache.org
To: gourav.sengu...@gmail.com

Hmm, hashing will probably send all of the records with the same key to the 
same partition / machine.I’d try it out, and hope that if you have a few 
superlarge keys bigger than the RAM available of one node, they spill to disk. 
Maybe play with persist() and using a different Storage Level.
On Aug 11, 2016, at 9:48 PM, Gourav Sengupta <gourav.sengu...@gmail.com> 
wrote:Hi Ben,
and that will take care of skewed data?
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:41 PM, Ben Teeuwen <bteeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
When you read both ‘a’ and ‘b', can you try repartitioning both by column ‘id’? 
If you .cache() and .count() to force a shuffle, it'll push the records that 
will be joined to the same executors. 
So;a = spark.read.parquet(‘path_to_table_a’).repartition(‘id’).cache()a.count()
b = spark.read.parquet(‘path_to_table_b').repartition(‘id’).cache()b.count()
And then join..

On Aug 8, 2016, at 8:17 PM, Ashic Mahtab <as...@live.com> wrote:
Hello,We have two parquet inputs of the following form:
a: id:String, Name:String  (1.5TB)b: id:String, Number:Int  (1.3GB)
We need to join these two to get (id, Number, Name). We've tried two approaches:
a.join(b, Seq("id"), "right_outer")
where a and b are dataframes. We also tried taking the rdds, mapping them to 
pair rdds with id as the key, and then joining. What we're seeing is that temp 
file usage is increasing on the join stage, and filling up our disks, causing 
the job to crash. Is there a way to join these two data sets without 
Note, the ids are unique, and there's a one to one mapping between the two 
Any help would be appreciated.


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