Thank you for your comments

> You should just Seq(...).toDS
I tried this, however the result is not changed.

>>     val ds2 = => e)
> Why are you e => e (since it's identity) and does nothing?
Yes, e => e does nothing. For the sake of simplicity of an example, I used 
the simplest expression in map(). In current Spark, an expression in map() 
does not change an schema for its output.

>       .as(RowEncoder(new StructType()
>          .add("value", ArrayType(IntegerType, false), nullable = 
Sorry, this was my mistake. It did not work for my purpose. It actually 
does nothing.

Kazuaki Ishizaki

From:   Jacek Laskowski <>
To:     Kazuaki Ishizaki/Japan/IBM@IBMJP
Cc:     user <>
Date:   2016/08/15 04:56
Subject:        Re: Change nullable property in Dataset schema

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 12:04 AM, Kazuaki Ishizaki <> 

>   import testImplicits._
>   test("test") {
>     val ds1 = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 2),
> Array(3, 3)), 1).toDS

You should just Seq(...).toDS

>     val ds2 = => e)

Why are you e => e (since it's identity) and does nothing?

>       .as(RowEncoder(new StructType()
>          .add("value", ArrayType(IntegerType, false), nullable = 

I didn't know it's possible but looks like it's toDF where you could
replace the schema too (in a less involved way).

I learnt quite a lot from just a single email. Thanks!


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