Hi we are using the following version of KafkaUtils.createDirectStream() from 
spark 1.5.0
createDirectStream(JavaStreamingContext jssc,                                   
        Class<K> keyClass,
Class<V> valueClass,
Class<KD> keyDecoderClass,
Class<VD> valueDecoderClass,
Class<R> recordClass,
java.util.Map<String,String> kafkaParams,
java.util.Map<kafka.common.TopicAndPartition,Long> fromOffsets,
Function<kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata<K,V>,R> messageHandler)
while the streaming app is running, the kafka topic got expanded by increasing 
the partitionsfrom 10 to 20.
The problem is that the running app doesn't change to include the 10 new 
partitions. We have to stopthe app and feed the fromOffsets map the new 
partitions and restart.
Is there any way to get this done automatically? Curious to know if you ran 
into same problem andwhats your solution/workaround?

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