Here is my understanding.

Spark used Tachyon as an off-heap solution for RDDs.  In certain situations, it 
would alleviate Garbage Collection or the RDDs.

Tungsten, Spark 2’s off-heap (columnar format) is much more efficient and used 
as the default.  Alluvio no longer makes sense for this use.

You can still use Tachyon/Alluxio to bring your files into Memory, which is 
quicker for Spark to access than your DFS(HDFS or S3).

Alluxio actually supports a “Tiered Filesystem”, and automatically brings the 
“hotter” files into the fastest storage (Memory, SSD).  You can configure it 
with Memory, SSD, and/or HDDs with the DFS as the persistent store, called 

Hope this helps.

Richard Catlin

> On Sep 19, 2016, at 7:56 AM, aka.fe2s <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> What has happened with Tachyon / Alluxio in Spark 2? Doc doesn't mention it 
> no longer.
> --
> Oleksiy Dyagilev

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