Hi everybody,

i am using the new Kafka Receiver for Spark Streaming for my Job. When
running with old consumer it runs fine.

The Job consumes 3 Topics, saves the data to Cassandra, cogroups the topic,
calls mapWithState and stores the results in cassandra. After that I
manually commit the Kafka offsets using the commitAsync method of the

With the new consumer I experience the following problem:

After a certain amount of time (about 4-5 minutes, might be more or less)
there are exceptions that the offset commit failed. The processing takes
less than the batch interval. I also adjusted the session.timeout and
request.timeout as well as the max.poll.records setting which did not help.

After the first offset commit failed the time it takes from kafka until the
microbatch is started increases, the processing time is constantly below
the batch interval. Moreover further offset commits also fail and as result
the delay time builds up.

Has anybody made this experience as well?

Thank you

Relevant Kafka Parameters:

"session.timeout.ms" -> s"${1 * 60 * 1000}",
"request.timeout.ms" -> s"${2 * 60 * 1000}",
"auto.offset.reset" -> "largest",
"enable.auto.commit" -> "false",
"max.poll.records" -> "1000"

Matthias Niehoff | IT-Consultant | Agile Software Factory  | Consulting
codecentric AG | Zeppelinstr 2 | 76185 Karlsruhe | Deutschland
tel: +49 (0) 721.9595-681 | fax: +49 (0) 721.9595-666 | mobil: +49 (0)
www.codecentric.de | blog.codecentric.de | www.meettheexperts.de |

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Solingen | HRB 25917| Amtsgericht Wuppertal
Vorstand: Michael Hochgürtel . Mirko Novakovic . Rainer Vehns
Aufsichtsrat: Patric Fedlmeier (Vorsitzender) . Klaus Jäger . Jürgen Schütz

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