
Just a few thoughts so take it for what its worth…

Databases have static schemas and will reject a row’s column on insert.

In your case… you have one data set where you have a column which is supposed 
to be a number but you have it as a string.
You want to convert this to a double in your final data set.

It looks like your problem is that your original data set that you ingested 
used a ‘-‘ (dash) to represent missing data, rather than a NULL value.
In fact, looking at the rows… you seem to have a stock that didn’t trade for a 
given day. (All have Volume as 0. ) Why do you need this?  Wouldn’t you want to 
represent this as null or no row for a given date?

The reason your ‘-‘ check failed when isnan() is that ‘-‘ actually could be 
represented as a number.

If you replaced the ‘-‘ with a String that is wider than the width of a double 
… the isnan should flag the row.

(I still need more coffee, so I could be wrong) ;-)



On Sep 28, 2016, at 5:56 AM, Mich Talebzadeh 
<mich.talebza...@gmail.com<mailto:mich.talebza...@gmail.com>> wrote:

This is an issue in most databases. Specifically if a field is NaN.. --> (NaN, 
standing for not a number, is a numeric data type value representing an 
undefined or unrepresentable value, especially in floating-point calculations)

There is a method called isnan() in Spark that is supposed to handle this 
scenario . However, it does not return correct values! For example I defined 
column "Open" as String  (it should be Float) and it has the following 7 rogue 
entries out of 1272 rows in a csv

df2.filter( $"OPen" === 
"-").select((changeToDate("TradeDate").as("TradeDate")), 'Open, 'High, 'Low, 
'Close, 'Volume).show

| TradeDate|Open|High|Low|Close|Volume|
|2011-12-23|   -|   -|  -|40.56|     0|
|2011-04-21|   -|   -|  -|45.85|     0|
|2010-12-30|   -|   -|  -|38.10|     0|
|2010-12-23|   -|   -|  -|38.36|     0|
|2008-04-30|   -|   -|  -|32.39|     0|
|2008-04-29|   -|   -|  -|33.05|     0|
|2008-04-28|   -|   -|  -|32.60|     0|

However, the following does not work!


Any suggestions?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



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